HEDB working on Snowmobile Tourism Issues

The Humber Economic Development Board is working in partnership with the Town of Deer Lake, Deer Lake Chamber of Commerce, NL Snowmobile Federation, Department of Tourism, and some local businesses on a snowmobile project that will enhance the Town of Deer Lake. The goal of the committee is to re-establish Deer Lake as the “Snowmobile Hub” of the province and are looking at ways to make the town and surrounding communities more snowmobile-friendly.

Some current ideas that we are working on are developing staging areas, ramps, better signage, and access to servicing on weekends. All of this will have an impact on the economy of the area if we are able to attract more people by providing quality service and accessibility for snowmobilers.

If you are interested in joining the committee or would like more information, please contact the Chamber or Valerie Simms-Anderson at 686-6390 or [email protected]

Further details on this initiative may be found in the following documents:



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