Membership | Deer Lake Chamber of Commerce


The Deer Lake Chamber of Commerce is one of the fastest growing chambers in the province currently boasting in excess of 180 members. We are a powerful, independent voice for a vibrant business community, committed to optimizing the benefits and opportunities for all our members. Our business is to enable your business to be successful and prosper.

We are pleased to personally extend to you an invitation to join the Deer Lake Chamber of Commerce and I hope you will agree that your Deer Lake Chamber of Commerce has much to offer you and your business.

As we look into the future of The Deer Lake Chamber of Commerce there are important issues and opportunities that need to be considered in order to achieve our goals and ensure the success of our business community. There is also an ever increasing demand on the Chamber for value-added services, programming and leadership which accelerates the requirement for new and expanding resources and initiatives.

Your Chamber of Commerce creates opportunities for members to save money, market your business, build your business network, voice your opinion and be successful. Please do not hesitate to contact the Chamber Office or any member of the Executive should you have any questions related to any aspect of our business or your membership. Together we can make a difference and I invite you to take an active role in our efforts by participating in one or more of the many Chamber events and initiatives.

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