Resources | Deer Lake Chamber of Commerce


2011 Chamber Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2011

Smartforce NL

The SmartForce initiative is the first of its kind in Canada and is made possible through an investment by Newfoundland and Labrador’s Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment (HRLE). SmartForce is a two year pilot project that benefits:

  • Every small and medium sized Business, Government Agency and Not For Profit which has most of their employees in Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Every resident of Newfoundland and Labrador

Each Business and Not for Profit in Newfoundland and Labrador can use SmartForce to contribute to profitability, efficiency and employee empowerment. SmartForce will also help businesses become leaders in using social media to connect to the wider world. The CoursePark platform was developed in our Province and is already being used by 30,000 people in over 50 countries. Some benefits to organizations in Newfoundland and Labrador include:

  • Access to a FREE secure and private Premium Learning Network
  • Access to one of 10,000 FREE online courses on the most important workplace topics to improve their skills and career prospects
  • The ability to use their Learning Network to
    A) select courses from HRLE’s library (or build their own courses)
    B) assign them to their employees
    C) track the results
  • Specially designed courses to help our businesses leverage Social Media to improve their access to markets and talent, as well as courses that improve their HR skills (Coming Summer 2011)

It’s the SmartForce NL initiative – Essentially it’s free online courses, made available to the residents of Newfoundland and Labrador through a significant investment by our government.

You can sign up at:

Check out the press release:

Apprentice Wage Subsidy

The Apprenticeship Wage Subsidy Program is a joint initiative of the Departments of Human Resources, Labour and Employment and Education. Under this program, employers are offered a financial incentive to help offset salary costs of hiring apprentices. A contribution rate for wage subsidies will be applied to participating apprentices based on their years of experience, as follows: 90 per cent for first year apprentices; 80 per cent for the second year; and 60 per cent for the third and fourth-year apprentices.

For more information on this program visit the HRLE website at or the Labour Market and Career Information for Newfoundland and Labrador at or call the Chamber Office.

Our Western Region HRLE Client Service Officer for this program is Erica Humber. Erica may be contacted at 637-8466 or by email at [email protected] should you require specific assistance or guidance on the application process.

Funding Supports for Employers

The following funding programs are available to assist employers in recruiting and retaining workers. For information on the programs, click the applicable link below.

Apprenticeship Wage Subsidy Program


Wage Subsidies for Employment Insurance Eligible Individuals


Labour Market Partnerships


Workplace Skills Enhancement Program

Student Work And Service Program(SWASP)


Student Employment Program(LEVEL 1,2,3)


Graduate Employment Program






Wage Subsides For Persons With Disabilities


Small Enterprise Co-Op Placement Assistance Program (SECPAP) – Paid Employment


Job Skills/Essential Workplace Skills

Export Advantage Internship Program

Tools For Employers

  • Wage Subsidy Programs
  • Job Skills Essential Workplace Skills (839 KB)
  • Community Partnerships Program
  • Grants to Youth Serving Organizations
  • Jobs in NL
  • NL HR Employer Toolkit


The Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Centre has information about many areas of business. You can access their services online at or by calling toll-free at 1-800-668-1010. There are two local satellite resource sites at Humber Community Development Corporation at 19 Union Street in Corner Brook or the offices of the Department of Innovation, Trade & Rural Development in the Millbrook Mall, Corner Brook.

Business Planning

To help move your business idea into a business plan, there are several agencies that can help you assess your skills, research the market, find funding, and so on.

Gateway West

Humber Community Development Corporation


Newfoundland and Labrador Organization of Women Entrepreneurs


Business Funding

The organizations above can help you identify for which funding programs you and your business can apply. You can apply for business loans from any bank. Other funding may be available via:

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)

Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development (INTRD)

HRLE Wage Subsidy Program

Business Start-Up

Depending on the scope of your business, you will also register with provincial or federal governments. You can check out the Business Start up Info Guide at For example, you apply for a Business Number with the Canadian Revenue Agency for filing corporate income tax, GST/HST, payroll, and import/export. All businesses with employees or are incorporated, need to register with Workplace, Health & Safety Compensation Commission

Government of Canada Buy and Sell

How Does Help Your Business Community?

It’s not often that “simple” and “government procurement” are mentioned in the same breath, but is aiming to do just that., the Government of Canada’s new site for procurement information, gives members of your business community quick access to information on how to:

To understand more about the site, please consult the About page.

Thank you for participating in this campaign to help spread the word about the Government of Canada’s new user-friendly procurement Web site.

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